Monday, 20 June 2011

Here comes summer.....

If I keep saying it, it may just happen. We seem to have had all 4 seasons in as many weeks nd I've decided the weather is never right for everyone at any one time. It's always fab when the sun shines for visitors, but there's enough going on at Great Gutton and surrounding area to offer wet weather alternatives. The Old Dairy is up and running and cleaning of the cottages is so much more organised, plus we can find supplies quick as a flash. The garden is now in need of TLC all over as opposed to just regular grass cutting and so we are trying to squeeze time in to tend to the weeds, think about new plantings and crack on with the greenhouse. Picked the first of our raspberries and gooseberries yesterday and they were delicious, especially sitting out in the sunshine with a pot of cream on hand! Our first Gutton Mutton went off in a big lorry and returned ready for the barbie - delicious!

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