Thursday, 15 July 2010

The Pond Just Got Bigger!

The rain has arrived at last and about time too. The wet stuff is not too good for guests but the local farmers are desperate for some moisture to get the crops and particularly the grass going again. No great desire for too much grass growth here as means lots more hours on the mower but will reduce the watering of the new tubs and pots that are now in place. Before the break in the weather our semi permanent strimmer man Paul took his chance to attack the banks of thee pond and did a great job. There seems to be almost twice as much water now the nettles and brambles have been cut back. I took the opportunity to take a few photo's which I hope you like.


  1. Now that is a picturesque postcard and some fine Luxury Accommodation Devon. Good to see some of the rain this year can turn into something even more spectacular!
