Friday 19 August 2011

Wedding reminders

A recent visit by a young couple considering using Great Gutton as a wedding venue provided a great opportunity to dig out the photo's of George and Ali's wedding at Gutton last autumn.  I think the pictures say it all.  We hope they choose to come.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Great Gutton Apple Weekends

Plans are taking shape for the Great Gutton Apple Harvest.  We hope this year to involve as many guests in the fun as possible so will be hosting Apple Harvest breaks during the first two weeks of October where guests get to pick, press and bottle the GG apple harvest.  Those who take part also get to take home the fruits of their labour via a case of Great Gutton Apple Juice.  See you in the Orchard!
Please call Suzi 01363 776073 or drop her an email to book a cottage.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Weaning time

Monday last saw Suzi, John, Ed, Peggy and Dylan (not sure how much help he was!) weaning this year’s 14 ewe and 7 ram lambs.  After four months it is time that the lambs fended for themselves on grass alone.  While a little noisy at first (not easy to explain to them why they have been separated from mum) it is amazing how quickly they settle down and within a couple hours they seemed to have moved on! The lambs have been turned back into the big field but will be heading back to the orchards soon as the grass needs grazing down before apple harvest which this year looks likely to be good and early to boot.