Saturday, 22 October 2011

Apple harvest all but complete

We are delighted to report that, with over 800 bottles of apple juice on the shelves as well as 300 pints of cider bubbling away in their vats,  the Great Gutton Apple Harvest is now complete.  A big thank you to all the guests and friends who helped out with the picking, pressing and bottling.  No doubt several will be back to 'test' the cider. 

Great Gutton cider is a new venture for us.  Having read various books and talked to those with experience a blend of apples from trees which were dropping their fruit was pressed with the resultant juice poured into  fermentation vessels.  While the natural yeasts on the apples themselves should be sufficient to get the fermentation going we took no chances and added additional white wine yeast to kick start the fermentation.  Within three days the bubbles started rising and bubbling through the air locks. The cider will be ready in the new year although most will be held over until next summer when our niece and her finance have asked for Gutton Cider to a feature of their Great Gutton wedding!