Monday, 28 March 2011


No sooner do they arrive at Great Gutton, have their feet trimmed and settle in to the glorious sunshine, when they throw caution to the wind and start lambing. Primrose was the first to give birth yesterday afternoon. 2 healthy black ram lambs named Peter and David are now to be found skipping in the orchard. Guests rushed over, followed by the sheeps previous owners Peter and Rosanne and all of us were to be heard making very gushy noises. So very very sweet and I don't want anyone to mention the mint sauce, thank you

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Did I mention....

.....the other day I bumped into friends of ours Peter and Rosanne, and to cut a long story short we now have their sheep at Great Gutton. Some may say there's been Gutton Mutton here for a while, but we are delighted to now have our very own, small but perfectly formed mini flock of Shetland Sheep.
Lambing starts in 4 weeks and so yesterday we ran them through the footbath and gave the ewes vaccinations to prepare them for the weeks ahead. Looking forward to having lambs in the fields although they won't be in the orchard as they can strip an apple tree in minutes!